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Report on the Survey of Citrus Production in Eastern Mediterranean Area
作者 林樸
此次參加國際柑桔病毒學會議,在柑桔病毒方面藉交換意見而獲不少最新知識及方法與國際友人交誼外,經三週之地中海東區之柑桔事業考察,對以色利、希臘與埃及之柑桔栽培及產銷狀況,已得初步了解,其在病毒方面之為害情形,可謂大致相似,而以南非立枯病(Tristeza)之威害性最大。蓋因上述國家之柑桔,皆以酸橙為主要砧木,一旦該病發生,大有不可收拾之勢,已有南美洲之慘局可作前車之監,是故以色列正傾其全力以防患。不論其最終效果如何,其竭盡各種方法以赴,乃是不可置疑之事,其精神至可欽佩。至於柑桔事業之發展水準,亦推以色列為最高。自栽培、採收、處理、包裝乃至銷售,皆有其獨到之處。尤以柑桔貿易公會(Cicrus Marketing Board)體制之高效率執行,至使以色列成為柑桔外銷之「強國」,並非偶然之事,在生產數上,只有5%為內銷,其他為外銷或供加工,以爭外匯,其意義頗值玩味。目前臺灣柑桔內銷數字,概在90%以上。臺灣柑桔事業發展之途逕,尤應在此方面致力,設法提高外銷柑桔之數字,諸如從事葡萄柚事業之拓展,將不失為有望之新資源。
As similarly arranged for the foregoing meetings, before and after the 7th Conference of the International Organization at Citrus Virologists there was a 3-week technical visit to the citrus producing areas of the eastern Mediterranean including Israel, Greece and Egypt The Conference itself has been a successful one while the program appropriately arranged for the visiting quite fruitful. Undoubtedly, tristeza is still a great threat to this area since sour orange has almost been the sole stock used for citrus production. Israel has taken every possible precaution and action to eliminate the malady, The methods employed and the efficiency of the work for the development of citrus industry in Israel are worth mentioning Especially, the function of the system of the Citrus Marketing Board and its intimate cooperation with governmental and research agencies has made possible the production of high standard citrus fruits of international level The figure of 5% local consumption of the total citrus production of Israel is meaningful. It may as well be set as a goal for our citrus industry Measure to divert the above 90% local consumption of citrus fruit in Taiwan into an export figure by encouraging the development of the new resource of grapefruit industry for Taiwan should be of interest.
起訖頁 267-273
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 197511 (21:6期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 擔子菌之性與育種
該期刊-下一篇 採收、處理及儲藏以防止棕變、污染與洋菇原料之保鮮




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