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Studies on the Establishment of Quality Standards for Ponkan Mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco cv. Ponkan)
作者 區少梅林聖敦
新鮮椪柑為本省非常受歡迎之一種柑桔類水果。但其品質如何評定尚未曾有文獻報告,特別是從消費者的角度著眼。本研究曾報告過椪柑品質與消費者喜好性最具相關的項目為果皮色澤、糖度及糖酸比,但其標準如何尚未建立。本研究選取本省重要椪柑產區之14個果園在二個月採收期及經貯藏1, 2, 3, 4個月的椪柑為試驗材料,測定其果皮之Hunter a及b值,果肉之可溶性固形物、酸度及糖糖酸比,並以1,213人次消費者型品評員進行消費者喜好性品評,然後綜合上述之結果建立椪柑品質標準。結果顯示,試驗所用椪柑果肉之Hunter a及b值分別主要分佈在13~34及12~36,而其果肉之可溶性固形物、酸度及糖酸比的範圍分別為8~14°Brix,0.1~1.5%用7~110。以90%消費者型品評員對椪柑的喜好達“有點喜歡”程度或以上做為品質標準,達標準以上之果品果皮之Hunter a及b值分別大於0與24,而果肉之可溶性固形物至少在10°Brix和糖酸比在20~50之間。以產地與市售之果品測試此標準,達到此標準之果呂生到86~87%消費者評“有點喜歡”以上。另將合乎標準之果品分等級為甲等(等級)及乙等(優級),則屬於甲等與乙等的椪柑果皮之Hunter a及b值均須分別大於0及24,而甲等果品之可溶性固形物須達10.5°Brix以上和糖酸比在20~40之間,乙等果品則可溶性固形物須至少10.0°Brix以及糖酸比在20~50之間。
Fresh Ponkan mandarin is one of the most popular citrus fruits in Taiwan However, how to grade its quality, especially from the consumer standpoint, has never been reported. Our laboratory reported that the degree of liking for Ponkan mandarin in Taiwan by the consumer is highly correlated with the epicarp color and the °Brix, titrable acidity (TA) and the ratio of °Brix and titratable acidity (B/TA). But the standards for these quality-related items have not been established. Using Ponkan mandarin picked at 14 different orchards in major production areas during two month harvesting time and one to four months of storage, the: Hunter a and b values of epicarp, °Brix, TA and B/TA of endocarp were analyzed by. physicochemical analyses and the degree of liking for the sensory attributes of the fruits was evaluated by 1,213 consumer-type panelists. The correlation results from these data were used to establish quality standards for Ponkan mandarin. The ranges of Hunter a and b values of epicarp for Ponkan mandarin were found to be from 13 to 34 and 12 to 36, respectively The ranges of °Brix TA and B/TA of endocarp were 8 to 14, 0.1 to 15 % and 7 to 110, respectively. Using the data of epicarp color and °Brix TA and B/TA of endocarp from 90% of whose scores were ”like slightly” level or above (>5 of 7 points) as the quality standard levels the fruit must have the Hunter a>0 and Hunter b>24 for the epicarp and °Brix>10 and B/TA were 20-50 for the endoearp. When the fruits from production area and markets reached the standards, they were rated as ”like slightly” or above by 85-87% consumers. For grading, the fruit must have the above mentioned standards in order to be Grade B while to be Grade A, the °Brix and B/TA of endocarp must be >10.5 and 20.40, respectively, and with the same Hunter a and b values for the epicarp.
起訖頁 276-288
關鍵詞 椪柑品質標準消費者品評試驗Ponkan mandarinquality standardsconsumer sensory test
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199609 (42:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 蝴蝶蘭花芽誘引和花序發育時之碳水化合物變化
該期刊-下一篇 應用花粉管法轉移甘藍基因注射處理時間之探討




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