中文摘要 |
本研究將七十餘種台灣常見蔬果,經調理切割後分別儲存於0℃、5℃、10℃、15℃及常溫(25-28℃),並調查其之櫥架期。不同蔬果之櫥架期有很大差異。以溫度最能影響櫥架期,處理時之衛生條件、切割方式、切割時水滴在表面之殘留等對櫥架壽命亦有顯著影響。至於鳳梨、檬果、幸水梨、新埔梨、番石榴、楊桃及蘋果等經調理切割後,極易發生褐變之水果,除儘快降低溫度外,還需使用防止褐變之溶液。食鹽水是一般人常用之溶液,但防止褐變之效果有限。0.05M sodium acid pyrophosphate, ascorbic acid, calcium chloride及citric aid混合之保鮮液對這些水果具有極佳之保色效果。香蕉之褐變則非2%NaCl及保鮮溶液所能抑制。 |
英文摘要 |
About seventy kinds of vegetables and fruits were minimally processed and stored at different temperature. The storage life of these fresh cuts were studied and listed in tables, Storage temperature is the major factor which affects the keeping quality of cut vegetables and fruits. Cutting method, sanitary condition of processing and residual water on the cut surface also significantly affect the shelf life of vegetables,Fresh sliced fruits such as pineapple, mango, pear, guava, carambola and apple were dipped in 2% NaCl or solution A (the mixture of 0.05M of sodium acid pyrophosphate, ascorbic acid, calcium chloride and citric acid) and then stored at different temperature. NaCl solution was not so effective in inhibiting browning of fruits as solution A. The combination of solution A dipping and low temperature storage resulted as an effective method in retaining the original color of fruit cuts. Roth solution A and 2% NaCl were not effective in reducing the browning of banana slices. |