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Effect of Varietal and Growth Regulators on Cormel Yield in Gladiolus
作者 侯鳳舞何偉眞
以本省收集及自國外引進之唐菖蒲77個栽培種為材料進行春、秋二季試驗,發現栽培種間小球莖產量差異極大。繁殖力高之Pink Delight品種小球莖產量每株達30gm,繁殖力低者,則每株小球莖產量尚不及2gm。大部份栽培種秋植時之小球莖產量較春植時為高。小部份栽培種春秋植之小球莖產量差異不顯著,尤以繁殖力低之栽培種為然。Valeria及Traveller二經濟栽培種在低溫打破休眠後以Ethrel 2000 ppm浸種處理3小時可促進唐菖蒲種球分球(splitting)數目及小球莖產量。BA處理雖可增加分球數,但種球容易腐爛,種球採收率反低。GA3,IAA則對唐菖蒲球莖之發育有明顯的抑制作用。
Investigation on cormel yield of gladiolus was made on 77 gladiolus varieties including local and introduced varieties. A great quantitative variation on the cormel yield was found among there varieties. The average yield of cormel on each plant ranged from 2 g to 30 g. For most varieties, planting seasons also affected the cormel yield. Corms planted in September obtained higher yield of cormel than planted in March. Corms of Valeria and Traveller soaked in 2000 ppm Ethrel solution for 3 hours just before planting produced mere cormels after planting. The treat-meat of cormels with BA solution was found to be effective in increasing the number of cormels produced. However, the rotten rate of newly produced cormets was too high fur BA treatment to be pratical in use. The growth and development of cormels in new generation was inhibited with soaking of corms in GA3 or IAA solutions before planting.
起訖頁 126-131
關鍵詞 栽培種生長素處理小球莖產量varletiesgrowth regulatorscormel yield
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 198606 (32:2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 香蕉組織培養植株之變異
該期刊-下一篇 菸鹼酸、椰子汁與香蕉泥對臺灣一葉蘭種子發芽與小苗生長之影響




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