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柳松菌(Agrocybe aegerita(Brig.) Singer)子實體形成生態學之研究
Ecological Studies on the Fructification of Agrocybe aegerita (Brig.) Singer
作者 呂正義翁文宗韓又新鄭爕
柳松菇(Agrocybe aegerita (Brig.) Singer)係台灣新興人工栽培菇類之一,本研究目的希望從柳松菌的生理、生態因子觀察之瞭解去建立一套人工栽培柳松菌的生產工程模式。菌絲培養在平板麥芽抽出物培養基上溫度範圍為24~32°C,以28°C為最佳,麥芽抽出液培養基酸鹼值在pH 5-7時菌絲生長良好,尤以pH 6時生長量最佳。子實體生成與環境有充分關係。於18°C下培養有利於子實體原基之產生,維持於22°C將有利於成長。木屑培養含水量為60%對菌絲生長最佳,子實體原基產生以空氣相對濕度為85~90%時最佳。子實體成長期則以90~95%為最適。二氧化碳濃度提高為2500 ppm可刺激子實體原基之產生。光線對菌絲生長有抑制作用。而子實體形成至少需要3-5 lux的散射光,其最適宜光照量為100 lux。光線對菌傘發育有促進作用。而黑暗處理菌柄有徒長現象而延長。
Agrocybe aegerita (Brig.) singer is one of the new artificial cultured edible mushroom in Taiwan. The most appropriate temperature for raising mycelium ranges from 24°C to 32°C. However, mycelium can grow slowly in 4°C and it is still active in 40°C for two weeks, but the optimum temperature is 28°C. When pH value is 5-7, the fungus grow well on culture media. The optimum pH value for this fungus is 6.0. The mycelium can hardly grow in pH 3.0 as well as in pH 9.0. The mycelium will grow badly. And pH 6.0 may be useful to primordia formation. As to the selective nutritional supplements in media, it shows that the mungbean meal and soybean meal can make mycelial growth excellently good. 1. The most suitable coordinated temperature 25°C is better for raising the mycelia, and the primordia may be stimulated at 18°C and 22°C is better for a further development of the fruit bodies. 2. The relative humidity 85~90% is a better range for the primordia formation. And relative humidity 90~95% is better for the development of the fruit bodies. It may stimulated the primordia formation as the concentration of C0₂ is raised to 2500 ppm. Light may inhibited the growth of the mycelia. When the primordia is formed, it needs 3-5 lux light intensity at least, and the light 100 lux is the most suitable. The primordia may not formed without light. Besides, light may stiumlate the growth of the pileus, and the darkness is good for the elongation of the stipe. The color of the pileus became lighter under the light. It was concluded that this fungus has a phytotropism.
起訖頁 167-178
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199409 (40:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 “嫁接嵌木高壓法"繁殖酪梨耐根腐病砧木之探討
該期刊-下一篇 甘藷葉片同功異構酶帶型與若干性狀間相關性之分析




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