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Field Trial for Runner and Fruit Production of Mycorrhizal Harunoka Strawberry Plantlets with Temporary Transplanting Technique
作者 張喜寧李窗明
為探討組織培養春香草莓苗(Fragaria x ananassa Duch cv. Harunoka)接種繡球屬囊叢枝菌根菌(VAMF)及配合假植技術對田間草莓走莖及果實產量之影響,特在民國75年及76兩年,在苗栗縣大湖鄉東興村海拔600公尺處進行本試驗。VAMF接種係在組培苗移出管外時接種,又在移此類存活小苗入土以生產走莖時接種第二次。每苗孢子約含50~100粒VAMF之「孢子土」,而假植係在最後定植前,將走莖挖出集中種植在苗圃土中一個月,然後才再挖苗定植以作果實生產。75年結果顯示,凡接種Glomus spp.之春香草莓苗,經二個半月田土栽植後,皆可增加走莖產量20〜100%之多。76年結果顯示,凡接種Glomus etunicatum Becker & Gerd.(簡稱Ge)之春香試管草莓苗, 無論在假植或定植期皆可增加走莖產量,但接種Glomus fasciculatum (Thaxter sensu Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe 或 Glomus mosseae (Nic. & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe者效果不顯著。可能係受菌種含量之影響所致,假植可促進草莓植株定植後之初期發育,菌根之影響則不大。綜合本試驗結果,知76及77年田間產果試驗結果證實僅經假植者,可以增產8%,而未經假植,卻接種者僅可增加產果量3〜10%,但如配合假植則接種G.etunicatunm,可增產30%,且其他二菌種亦可增產16〜21%。三種繡球屬菌種中以G.etunicatunm春香試管草莓苗之生長與發育最為有利,其生產之走 莖幼苗如再經過假植,又可顯著提高果實產量達30%,建議可推廣應用在春香草莓走莖及果實之實際生產上。
The effects of both vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF) and temporary transplanting on runner and fruit production of micropropagated Harunoka strawberry (Fragaria X ananassa Duch cv. Harunoka) were investigated. VAMF inoculation was done after the micropropagated Harunoka strawberry plantlets were transplanted out of test tubes and inoculated again before runner production. Each plant was inoculated with 50~100 spore of only one Glomus sp. in sand. Temporary transplanting means that before final planting of the strawberry runners, those runners were diggeed out of soil and temporarily planted into field soil for one month. Then digged out and transplanted again into final field soil. Field trial was conducted for 2 years (1986 & 1987) in Miau-Lee County, Ta-Hwu Township, Tong-Shing Village above sea level for 600 M in Taiwan. Results of 1986 showed that after inoculation of Glomus spp. for 2.5 months, runner porduction could increase 20~100% for all three kind of Glomus spp. inoculum. While results of 1987 showed that only Glomus etunicatum Becker & Gerd. (Ge) infected Harunoka strawberry plantlets stimulated runner production. While those plantlets inoculated with Glomus fasciculatum (Thaxter sensu Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe (Gf) or Glomus mosseae (Nic. & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe (Gm) showed no significant effect. This difference in the inoculum performance might be influenced by the amount of spores in the inoculum for two different years. Temporary transplanting could stimulate early stage development of strawberry plants after planting, while VAMF showed no significant effect for this stage.
起訖頁 73-80
關鍵詞 菌根假植走莖產量果實產量Mycorrhizatemporary transplantingrunner productionfruit production
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199306 (39:2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 石蒜屬球根花卉之分類、形態、生長與開花
該期刊-下一篇 植物生長調節劑對甘藷組織培養生產花青素之影響




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