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Respiration of Phalaenopsis Flowers
作者 李哖林雨森
The respiration of Phalaenopsis flowers was studied in relation to bud development, age of flowers, pollination, emasculation, ethylene, low relative humidity and wounding. The tight buds had the highest rate of respiration, which decline after the buds opened. The highest respiration was also observed in flowers opened 1~2 days, then followed by a gradual decline to the age opened for 3 weeks. The respiration rate decreased rapidly during the first 6 hours after harvest, then maintained in low respiration rate for about 17 days, then increased again as the flowers undergo senescence. The phase of rising respiration accompanied the exudation and wilting of the flowers, and upsurge in ethylene production. This is a typical pattern of respiratory drift similar to that of ripening fruits with 'climacteric respiration'. The respiration rate at 20°C and 25°C were very similar. In Phalaenopsis white and pink flowers the Q₁₀ at temperatures 15~25°C and 20~30°C was about 1.7 and 1.9 respectively. A marked increase in respiration and ethylene production of Phalaenopsis after pollination. A peak was reached 36 hours after pollination, followed by a slight drop of respiration and sharply drop of ethylene. However, the exudation and wilting of flowers appeared 13 hours after pollination.The rising respiration and senescence of flowers were observed 4.7 days after emasculation. Ethylene concentration as low as 0.09 ppm was sufficient to induce rising respiration and senescence, the treatment with increasing concentration of ethylene increased the ultimate peak respiration value and shortened the floral life. Flowers under low relative humidity and wounding stress increased respiration and decreased longevity, especially under low relative humidity, flowers longevity 2.7 days compared with control flower 18 days.
起訖頁 228-240
關鍵詞 蝴蝶蘭呼吸作用授粉機械傷害乙烯老化Phalaenopsisrespirationpollinationwoundingethylenesenescence
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199212 (38:4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 甘藍基因轉移之研究(一)基因鎗轉移法




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