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Effect of Medium Composition on Seed Germination In Vitro of Cymbidium enslfolium var. misericors
作者 呂依倫李志仁李哖
取素心蘭授粉後206天至345天之種子進行培養基試驗。結果顯示種子發芽喜低濃度鹽類,於四種配方之巨量元素濃度(1/10 MS之8.83mM;Knu- dson's C 之29.86mM;Vacin & Went 之30.74mM;Curtis之13.92mM),其間發芽反應相近。培養基中添加20 g/1蔗糖、2 g/1活性碳比高濃度蔗糖及不加活性碳有利種子發芽。添加馬鈴薯泥15、30及45 g/1或蘋果泥25 g/1亦有促進發芽之效,但香蕉泥150 g/1之添加不利種子發芽;cytokinin類與NAA等植物生長調節素則無促進效果。授粉後190、240及270天的種子對有機添加物的反應不盡相同,以授粉後190日種子發芽數最多,可見素心蘭種子之無菌發芽除受培養基影響外,種子成熟度亦為重要因素。
The effects of medium composition on seed germination of Cymbidium ensifolium var. misericors in vitro were studied. Seeds of 206~345 days after pollination were used. The results showed that seed germination of Cymbidium ensifolium var. misericors preferred to a lower level of major salts, it had a similar response in four composition of media (1/10 MS, 8.83mM; Knudson's C, 29.86mM; Vacin & Went, 30.74mM; Curtis, 13.92mM). The medium containing 20 g/1 sucrose and with 2 g/1 activated charcoal had a better results than that containing higher concentration of sucrose and without activated charcoal. The addition of 15、30、45 g/1 potato or 25 g/1 apple had a positive effect on seed germination, but the addition of 150 g/1 banana had a negative effect as it caused a high concentration. Plant growth regulators such as cytokinins or NAA had no promotion effect on seed germination. The seeds of 190 days after pollination got the most germinated seedling compared with the seeds of 240 and 270 days after pollination. It can be inferred that the seed germination in vitro of Cymbidium ensifolium var. misericors was influenced not only by medium composition but also the seed maturity.
起訖頁 161-169
關鍵詞 素心蘭無菌發芽培養基種子成熟度Cymbidium ensifolium var. misericorsseed germination in vitromediummaturity of seeds
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199209 (38:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 芥菜抗蕪菁嵌紋病毒與同功異構酶伴連之研究




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