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The Performance of People-Down's Syndrome on Horticulture Training
作者 郭毓仁王靖雯李子芬
From the literature review, we found that approximately one in every 800 to 1100 live births has the chance to get the disorder of Down's Syndrome (DS). Since the improvement of medical technique. the life expectance of 80% of people with DS can reach the age of 50. A successful professional job training becomes more and more important. Plants provide a positive physical surrounding where it provides more comfortable to live and work. The three primary interactive qualities of horticultural plants can be categorized as sensory, functional, and responsive relationship. Using plants to stimulate five senses provide a good therapeutic program for those disabled people. The application of horticulture including sexual and vegetative propagation and floral design etc. was applied on Yang-ming education & care center that is sponsored by Taipei City Government. Six students were selected for job training in this program. Atier 15 weeks in course training, we found that all of the students had the ability to do the assigned works but still need assistance by teachers. Among the courses, floral design got the best functional quality and showed on their task. We concluded that careful selection of propagated plants is vital to the successful use of therapeutic and job training programs.
起訖頁 443-449
關鍵詞 園藝職業訓練唐氏症陽明教養院HorticultureJob trainingDown's syndromeYang-ming education and care center
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 200012 (46:4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 臺北市行道樹颱風災害調查與抗風性之探討--以賀伯、安珀、瑞伯颱風為例




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