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Performance of Low-chill Peaches in Low-chill Area of Taiwan
作者 歐錫坤宋家瑋
最近16年來經由臺灣省農業試驗所園藝系(海拔高度約85m,東經120°40'54'',北緯24°1'59'')保存自國外引進的毛桃與油桃(Prunus persica Batsch)栽培種與優選雜交後代不下65品系,其中需冷量在200低溫單位以內,適應性良好的低需冷量桃與油桃約有30品系,亦即包括本地種桃樹、國外栽培種與優選後代等。本研究利用這些品系為材料,評估花期表現、果實發育日數、果實品質分析與性狀好壞,以深入瞭解這些種原,期能加以應用優良品系中7612與7669為本所人工雜交的優選後代。7612由'Flordared'與'Flordaprince'雜交而來,與關鍵栽培種的花期比較所得之需冷量為170低溫單位,從開花至成熟僅需67天,早採的果實市價高,是醃製加工桃的好原料。7669由'Premier'與'Flordabelle'雜交而來,需冷量約為160低溫單位,果賓發育日數81天,成熟期較‘臺農甜蜜’桃早10天左右,大果與低酸的特性,使其具有很高的潛力成為新栽培品種。
More than 65 peach and nectarine (Pianos persica Batsch) foreign cultivars and advanced selections has been maintained at loss-chill area, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (about 85 meters altitude, l20° 40'54'' E, 24°l '59”N), over the last 16 years. Thirty well adapted loss-chill peach and nectarine cultivars (less than 200 chill nail) including local peaches, foreign cultivars and good selections have been tested. Blooming period, frail quality and frail characteristics are evaluated with the best and the worse as noted for farther utilization.Two promising peach seedlings No. 7612 and No. 7669 were selected 7612 originated from a cross of 'Flordared' and 'Flordaprince' Trees have an estimated chilling requirement of 170 chill units based on relative bloom time with key cultivars. Days from frill bloom to maturity was determined as 67 days, and early fails were goad for preserving to open market window. 7669 originated from a cross of 'Premier' and 'Flordabelle'. Its chilling requirement is about 160 chill units, frail development period (FDP) 81 days and fruits ripen 10 days earlier than 'Premier', Large fruit size and toss acid content promise a high potential to because ness cultivar in Taiwan.
起訖頁 317-326
關鍵詞 低需冷量物候期相對花期果實性狀Prunus persicalow chilling requirementphenologyrelative order of blooming datefruit characteristic
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199912 (45:4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 洋桔梗花瓣老化過程中微細構造之變化
該期刊-下一篇 切割甘藍酵素性褐變之研究




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