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The Vase Life and Storage Condition on Postharvest Longevity of the Cut Flower of Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep
作者 張錦興林棟樑
薑荷花切花採收後隨著離水時問增長,鮮重與花莖基部直徑漸減,瓶插壽命亦隨之縮短,離水僅0.5小時切花即明顯受到影響,花莖基部重新切除可增加10-20mg/gF.W的吸水量,而延長瓶插壽命,但同樣隨著離水時間延長而降低瓶插壽命。薑荷花切花本身並未有呼吸高峰與大量乙烯釋放的情形,外加1 ppm的乙烯對其瓶插壽命亦無顯著的影響,因此排除乙烯的影響。亦即薑荷花切花採收後離水時間太長是瓶插壽命縮短的主因,採後立即插水是採後處理的首要關鍵。另外薑荷花切花貯藏以10-12℃較為適當,配合殺菌劑處理後再貯藏7或14天後有較佳的瓶插品質。
The fresh weight and basal diameter of the cut curcuma flowers decreased with time after harvested without inserted them into water immediately. Thus, the vase life decreased. The even of the off-water time is only 30 minutes. One gram of fresh flower can absorb 30-40mg of fresh water, and the vase life increased 2-4 days if the stem base were recut, The curcuma flower per se after carting didn't posses peak of respiration and release of ethylene as well. Addition of 1 ppm of ethylene failed to decrease the vase life of cut flowers. Therefore, the effect of ethylene on the vase life of cut flowers can be neglected. Time of off-water is the key factor affecting vase life. Inserting it into water right after cooing is highly recommended to extend it's life in vase. Optimum temperature for the storage of cut flower is between 10 and 12℃. This temperature plus treatment with fungicide could increase the quality after stored 7 or 14 days.
起訖頁 65-74
關鍵詞 薑荷花切花瓶插壽命水分吸收貯藏殺菌劑處理Curcuma alismatifolia gagnepvase lifewater uptakestoragefungicide treatment
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199903 (45:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 麻豆文旦室溫貯藏品質之變化
該期刊-下一篇 利用胚珠培養技術培育無核葡萄雜交後代




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