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Growth of Six Foliage Plants in Subirrigation Systems
作者 葉德銘
Comparative growth and tissue analyses were determined in Asplenium nidus 'Avis', Peperomia sandersii 'Argyreia', Dieffenbachia 'Hawaii Snow', Schefflera odorata 'Variegata', Monstera deliciosa and Ficus retusa (seedling) grown in a subirrigation method with three nutrient levels, and in top-watering and ebb-and-flow systems. Good quality plants of Peperomia are obtained by fertilizing with a half-strength of Johnson's solution, as compared with Asplenium, Dieffenbachia and Schefflera by 2/3 to a full-strength solution. In contrast, a full-strength solution is required for the production of Ficus and Monstera as diluted nutrients resulted in slower plant growth. More fertilizer is applied in the top-watering system, as compared with zero runoff and recirculating a half strength of Johnson's solution in the ebb-and-flow system. However, except for Asplenium, better growth for all treated plants are seen in the ebb-and-flow system. Foliar uutrient levels are similar for plants in the ebb-and-flow system in the experiments constructed here and published sufficiency ranges for the same plants, with good quality, being analyzed.
起訖頁 81-92
關鍵詞 底部灌溉潮汐灌溉系統圓葉山蘇花西瓜皮椒草白玉萬年青斑葉鵝掌藤電信蘭人參榕植體分析subirrigationebb-and-flow systemAspleniumPeperomiaDieffenbachiaScheffleraMonsteraFicustissue analysis
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199803 (44:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 水耕栽培中銨態氮(NH4+-N)對溫室洋香瓜根代謝反應之影響
該期刊-下一篇 EM應用於網室番木瓜之栽培




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