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Study on the Effect of Nursering System and Seedling Age on the Growth Characteristics and Yield of Tomato
作者 黃玉梅王小華
利用240格穴盤育苗及苗株密度相等(240株/60cm × 40cm)之土播育苗法,培育不同苗齡之番茄種苗,調查其生育性狀結果顯示:各參試品種在2-4週齡苗時,土播與穴盤苗之生長量無顯著差異。4-8週齡土播苗之生長速率較穴盤苗快,其莖徑、株高、本葉數及地下部鮮重均大於穴盤苗。但是,土播苗定植後的田間成活率則比穴盤苗低,尤其是苗齡太小(二至三週齡)或過大(七至八週齡)的土播苗。四週齡以上之移植苗,單株始花開放所需日數,土播苗比穴盤苗提早3-6天(因品種而異)。初期平均產量亦高於穴盤苗,但統計上未達5%顯著性差異水準,而最終產量穴盤苗則反而高於土播苗唯亦未達5%之差異顯著水準。
The growth characteristics of two nursing system, which are plug system and traditional field swoing system, and 7 kinds of seedling age, which are from 2 weeks to 8 weeks old, of 3 tomato cultivars are observed. The results are as following. 1.No different is found in growth rate between nursing systems when seedling ages is less than 4-week-old. 2.After 4 weeks, the growth rate of the field sowing seedlings are better than those in plug on the charactersot stem dimeter, plant height, fresh weight, number of true leaves and root weight. 3.The surrival rate after transplant of the seedlings from plug are higher than those from field especially transplants too young(2-4 week-old) or too old(7-8 week old) seedling. 4.After transplanting, the days to first flower anthesis of seedlings from field sowing system are 3-6 days. earlier( depending on varieties) than those from plug. 5.The front-half season yield of transplants from field sowing system seedling was higher than transplants from plug but, the final yield is in the reverse, and there are no significant differences at 5% 1evel with Duncan's multiple range test in both front-half season and final yield.
起訖頁 41-47
關鍵詞 番茄穴盤育苗土播育苗tomatoplug seedlingridge nursery
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 199803 (44:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 荔枝不定胚發生之研究
該期刊-下一篇 不同嫁接切口覆蓋處理對高接梨嫁接成活率之比較




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