中文摘要 |
本試驗以盆栽粉紅種蓮霧(Syzygium samarangense Merr. et Perry)為材料,調查長期淹水、停止淹水及再度淹水過程中蓮霧根部酒精脫氫酵素(alcohol dehydrogenase, ADH, EC活性之變化,及其同功異構酵素之消長。試驗結果顯示,淹水28天期間根部ADH活性隨淹水日數增加而上升,淹水4天及28天時ADH活性分別增加為對照組的5倍及8.4倍,顯示蓮霧在長期淹水逆境下,根部之無氧呼吸主要是行酒精醱酵代謝途徑。淹水可誘導蓮霧根部生成三種ADH同功異構酵素;其中isozyme 1於淹水1天後即被誘導生成,isozyme 2和isozyme 3在淹水5天後才可被偵測到,三個isozymes的量均隨淹水日數增加而增加。一旦停止淹水6天後,三個isozymes之電泳活性染色均明顯轉淡,而最先被誘導生成的isozyme 1降解速度比isozyme 2及Isozyme 3緩慢。若再度淹水處理,則三個ADH同功異構酵素被誘導生成之速度,比初次淹水處理時為快。 |
英文摘要 |
Changes in the activities and isozyme patterns of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH, EC in the roots of potted wax-apple trees (Syzygium samarangense Merr. et Perry) during the long-term flooding followed by de-flooding and re-flooding were studied. Dramatic increase in ADH activity was founded in the flooded root of wax-apple during 28 days of experimental periods. After receiving 4 and 28 days flooding, ADH activity in flooded roots was 5 and 8.4 times higher than that in non-flooded controls, respectively. Three ADH isozymes, namely isozyme 1, isozyme 2 and isozyme 3 (in an order of Rf value of electrophoresis) were found in the flooded wax-apple roots. Among them, isozyme 1 was induced after receiving 1 day flooding, while isozyme 2 and isozyme 3 were detected after receiving 5 days of flooding. Appearance of these three isozymes became prominence after 10 days flooding, and continually increased throughout the 42 days. Once de-flooded, however, the staining of three isozyme bands faded obviously within 6 days of de-flooding. The fading rate of isozyme 1 band was slower than isozyme 2 and isozyme 3. Reappearance of these three isozymes was much faster upon re-flooding than those of preliminary flooding. |