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Dialectic of 'Things Do Not Shift'under the View of 'Naming of Illusory Existence'
作者 陳平坤
This paper aims to discuss how Sengzhao, basing on the Buddhist view of ”naming of illusory existence”, acquires the insight into the existence of all dharmas and reveals the connotation of ultimate reality. Through this insight, he distinguishes true existence from insubstantial and epistemological existence and opens a thinking path to the ”ultimate truth” or ”nature of things”. The discussion is based mainly on Sengzhao's works: Treatise of Things Do Not Shift and Commentary to the Vimalakirti Nirdesa-Sutra. The approach focuses on self-reflection and the interpretation of his philosophy. The main conclusions drawn from this research include:(1) The viewpoint taken in Treatise of Things Do Not Shift involving ”the nature of things” is a theory which establishes the concept of naming for the insubstantial existence.(2) The theory of ”Not Shift” is established on the cognitive framework through which things are distinguished from the phenomena.(3) Although the concept, ”Things Do Not Shift” does not imply that it is the ultimate truth, it can be seen as a path of exploring truth.(4) Regardless pro or con towards the views of Sengzhao, one must clearly distinguish the differences between the epistemological and ontological definitions of ”Things” in order to discuss the divergent views of ”Things Do Not Shift” and to be more convincing.
起訖頁 81-124
關鍵詞 不遷無住假名幻有物性諸法實相things do not shiftnon-abidingnamingillusory existencethe nature of thingsultimate reality
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 201203 (43期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 從「虛無」到「笑」──論尼采「永恆回歸」之概念
該期刊-下一篇 論《管子》政治權威之形式與基礎──以〈權修〉為核心之探討




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