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Tao Generating the Law: The Philosophy of Tao and the Law in the Four Texts of the Yellow Emperor
作者 王曉波 (WANG Xiao-bo)
The Four Texts of the Yellow Emperor, unearthed 1973 in Mawangdui, leads the way of the study of Huang-lao thought since. And with it, the Huang of historian's Huang-lao came to the eyes of scholars nowadays. Contents of The Four Texts of the Yellow Emperor are exactly the description of Taoists by Tai Shi Gong (Historian of the Emperor) that ”bending to the alternation of Yin and Yang, adopting the positive aspects of Confucianism and Mohism, summing up the essentials of the school of Min (Names) and Fa (Legalist).” Therefore the philosophy of Lao Tzu integrated thoughts of all school of Chung Qiu Era, and lading the foundation of the study of Huang-lao thought in the following Warring States period. Zichan casted the Penal code, Jin Dynasty had the Penal Tripod, and Li Kui wrote Bible of Legalists, all spelled out the transformation of the society of patriarchal feudalism to that of legalist monarchy. In The Four Texts of the Yellow Emperor we see the thought of that era, that is thoughts of every school of that period integrated with Lao Tzu Philosophy, which had its effect on Shen Dao, Sheng Bu Hai and Han Fei, legalists of the Warring States Period.
起訖頁 75-113
關鍵詞 黃帝四經韓非法家陰陽形名The Four Texts of the Yellow EmperorHan FeiLegalistTaoYin and YangReality and Min Name
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 200610 (32期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 不敖倪於萬物、不譴是非──與莊子懇談見道及其所引致的平齊物議
該期刊-下一篇 「不二中道」學說相關導航概念的詮釋進路以佛法解開生命世界的全面實相在思惟的導引為詮釋線索




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