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The Concept of Time in Heidegger and Gadamer
作者 陳榮華
本文是要檢討海德格與高達美的時間概念,說明它與他們哲學的關係。我要指出,無論海德格前期和後期的時間概念,在理論上無法讓海德格完成他的哲學工作──存有意義的探索,但高達美的時間概念,卻可以讓他得以詮釋存有的意義。本文首先分析海德格的前期作品《存有與時間》中的時間概念,繼而說明他的後期作品(時間與存有)的時間概念。我指出,這兩個概念在理論上無法讓人完成存有意義的詮釋過程。然後,我從三個觀點分析高達美的時間概念,它們分別是(Gleichzeitigkeit, contemporaneity),節慶(Fest, festival)中的時間和充實時間(erfuellte Zeit, fulfilled time)。我認為,高達美的時間概念可以讓人完成詮釋的過程,因此亦可以理解存有的意義。由此,高達美的時間概念在理論上是可以證成的。
This essay analyzes the concept of time in the philosophy of Heidegger and Gadamer in order to show its relationship with both philosophers' discussion on ”Being”. I point out that no matter in his early or later writings, Heidegger's concept of time is in conflict with his concept of understanding. Therefore, Heidegger's quest for the meaning of Being cannot be accomplished. In contrast the Gadamerian concept of time makes the understanding of the meaning of Being possible. In the first part of this essay Heidegger's concepts of time are revealed by an analysis on his two major works: Being and Time and On Time and Being. I argue that the concept of time revealed in these two books makes the understanding of Being impossible. In the second part Gadamer's concept of time is discussed by an investigation on the following terms: contemporaneity, time in festival and fulfilled time. I show that the Gadamerian concept of time is in harmony with the understanding of Being. Therefore Gadamer's philosophy can accomplish the task of illuminating the meaning of Being. Finally I show that it is justified to accept the Gadamerian concept of time in the interpretation of Being.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 海德格高達美詮釋學時間存有HeideggerGadamerhermeneuticstimeBeing
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 200410 (28期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-下一篇 論富蘭克福特式的例子與其他可能性的原則




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