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高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Risk Behaviors for Students and Psychologists Breaking Confidentiality on Students' Risk Behaviors
作者 藍菊梅
本研究目的為:瞭解學生的危險行為及心理師認為學生危險行為打破機密性之符合倫理程度的現況及重要預測因子。研究為橫斷性研究,研究對象為626位學生及42位心理師,採用「兒童青少年行為問卷」及「心理師對學生危險行為倫理考量問卷」,以描述性統計、逐步迴歸分析(stepwise regression)及羅吉斯迴歸分析(logistic regression)方法分析研究資料。結果顯示:(1)學生最近一年內的危險行為發生率最多者為:作弊(23.7%)、喝酒(17.1%)及打架(9.4%)。預測學生危險行為重要預測因子為:男性、住市區、與父母同住、最近一次考試平均分數低者及年齡高者,相對於女性、住非市區者、非與父母同住者、最近一次考試平均分數高者及年齡低者,其相對的危險行為出現顯著較多。(2)心理師認為學生危險行為發生頻率需通報且大部分符合倫理者為:吸毒(有過一次及以上)、偷竊(每週一次及以上)、自殺或自傷(有過一次及以上)、與別人發生性行為(每個月一次)。心理師認為學生危險行為發生需通報之考慮因素中最重要者為:危險行為的嚴重性、保護青少年、危險行為的強度。預測心理師判斷通報學生危險行為符合倫理程度的重要因子包括:個案因素、心理師因素、倫理與法律、諮商歷程。本研究結果提供各級學校輔導學生危險行為之參考。
This study explores the risk behaviors in students, examines predictors contributing to these behaviors, and psychologists breaking confidentiality on students' risk behaviors whether fitting with ethics and that predictors. This was a cross-sectional study. Participates were 626 students and 42 psychologists. The instruments were “The Behavior Scale for Children and Adolescence” and “The Ethics Scale toward Students' Risk Behaviors for Psychologists”. The data analysis was descriptive analysis, stepwise regression and logistic regression. Results showed that: (a) Test cheating (23.7%), drinking (17.1%) and fighting (9.4%) were the most popular risk behaviors in student in the past one year. The predictors of risk behaviors were “more boys than girls”, “lower than higher of the mean score in the last test”, “living in downtown than none” “living with parents than not”, and “age (older than younger)”. (b) The cases in which psychologists thought more ethical to break confidentiality were: drug abuse more than once, thieving more than once a week, suicide and self-hurting more than once, sexual behaviors more than once a month. The psychologists thought that the most important considerable factors were the risk degree of the behaviors, adolescence protection, and the intensity of risk behaviors. The predictors of breaking confidentiality of the students' risk behaviors that psychologists thought those were ethical were client factors, psychologist factor, ethics and laws, counseling process. These results offer schools' guidance teachers some references when performing toward students' risk behavior.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 青少年倫理心理師危險行為Adolescenceethicspsychologistsrisk behaviors
刊名 高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類  
期數 201912 (47期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學
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