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An Application of Reliability and Validity of Situated Assessment on Video Mode in the Context of School Principals
作者 謝名娟 (Ming-chuan Hsieh)
Performance assessment is commonly used for education researchers to evaluate student's knowledge or ability. However, due to the limitation of resources, it is difficult to conduct performance assessment directly. Instead of using the traditional written language to describe the test items in the final exams of pre-service principals training programs. We tried to use the role play on videos to visualize the test items. The pre-service principals need to see the videos and then answer the questions. After the pre-service principals finishing the test, we surveyed their satisfaction and suggestions of this type of situated assessment. The results show that situated items displayed via video is quite creative, however there are some details need to be taken care of. In addition, the satisfaction of this type of assessment is closely related to the testee's background. Although the test result show an acceptable reliability and validity evidence, there is still room for improvement.
起訖頁 75-93
關鍵詞 情境評量真實評量影片題測驗校長儲訓Performance AssessmentPre-Service Principal TrainingSituated AssessmentTest items on Videos
刊名 彰化師大教育學報  
期數 201712 (31/32期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所
該期刊-上一篇 會計原則變動對大專校院學生學習風格、溝通焦慮、模糊容忍度與學習成效之影響——以我國導入國際財務報導準則(IFRSs)為例




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