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Scale Jump: The Spatial Development and Geographic Process of Home school Education
作者 蔡淑真李素馨
臺灣在2014年通過實驗教育三法,包括學校與非學校型態的實驗教育,以及私人辦校等。這三種新興教育的出現,正是鼓勵創新與實驗的教育改革下的新產物。其中,非學校型態的實驗教育,又稱為在家教育或自學(homeschooling)的方式,將孩童從學校時空中解放出來,成為地理學者關注的焦點。本研究以身為在家教育者的內部觀點(Insider's viewpoint),探討家庭參與建構過程中,教育主體與空間尺度的再結構以及效應。研究對象是自學家庭成員,自主到日本Sudbury Valley School(SVS)民主學校進行兩周的漂流實驗教育。本研究經由個案研究、密集式訪談、參與觀察等研究方法,發現時空鬆綁能強化學童在空間發展上的能動性,而此能動性將凝聚成學童的內在動機。當這種內在動機醞釀至飽和點時,學童身上即會出現本文所謂「尺度跳躍」的表現。此結果填補另類教育空間的地理學術空白,延伸教育地理學一個新興的研究視野。
In 2014, Taiwan adopted a new educational regulation, 3 types of Experimental Education Act, including the school and non-school types of experimental education, and also private schools. The emergence of the mentioned law is simply a new product of the educational reform which encourages both innovation and experimentation. Among others, the non-school type of experimental education, also known as homeschooling, liberates children from the temporal and spatial restrictions of a school and, in the meantime, it becomes the focus of geographers. This study stands from being an insider's viewpoint to explore the re-structure and effects of the educational subject and spatial scale as a family takes part in the process of a schoolkid's learning. The object of the study is a homeschooling family who went on its own to the Sudbury Valley School (SVS) Democratic School in Japan for two weeks to observe and experience the wandered experimental education. This study is based on the research methods such as case study, intensive interview, and participant observation. The results have shown that deregulating the temporal and spatial restrictions of a school can indeed strengthen a schoolkid's agency in facilitating spatial development, and the ability will eventually generate the schoolkid's intrinsic motivation. When such intrinsic motivation reaches a saturation point, a schoolkid performs just demonstrates a so-called “scale jump”. The results make up the geographical academic gap in the alternative education, and broaden the horizon in the emerging research of educational geography.
起訖頁 79-108
關鍵詞 時空鬆綁跨國學習能動性實驗教育個案研究Temporal and Spatial DeregulationTransnational LearningAgency Experimental EducationCase Study
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201905 (70期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣糧商企業社會責任探討
該期刊-下一篇 細懸浮微粒資料精確度校正探討:以臺北地區空氣盒子為例




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