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Spatial Politics in the Transformation of Art and Culture Venues in the Taipei City: An Infrastructurization Perspective
作者 王志弘高郁婷
This article expounds on the spatial politics of the art and cultural venues in Taipei City through notions of territorialization, deployment, texture and folding which constitute cultural infrastructurization. We illustrate several dimensions of the evolution of these spaces: (1) The architectural forms of these spaces have shifted away from Chinese orthodoxy to modernist style, and then to styles specific to historical periods and places, as shown by the adaptively reused spaces; (2) The state firstly dominated the management of the early function-specific spaces, yet new alternative spaces tend to depend on bottom-up initiation, as well as public-private partnerships on a contract-out basis; (3) Art and cultural spaces of the early period aggregated at the old city center, but gradually new ones have appeared in the suburbs and the eastern district; (4) The relationship between the spaces and their surroundings are becoming more crisscrossed and intimate rather than alienated; (5) While the meanings and functions of these spaces were firstly more about arenas of taste differentiation, cultural fetishes, and performative landscape, increasingly they have become an economic stage or public sphere, and as a result an folding heterotopia. The authors then discuss different cases to embody the aforementioned traits: the flagship facilities that go with explicit territorialized logics, the adaptively reused historical buildings under redeployment that witness a reincarnation, and the foldings that stir the given textures. These different cases together embody the dynamics of the spatial politics of cultural governance. The authors argue that, rather than focusing on landmark flagship facilities, urban cultural governance should give more tolerance to foldings that tend to trigger possibilities, and that, by doing so, an infrastructurized network of cultural life might come into being.
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 文化政策文化治理領域化紋理皺褶cultural policycultural governanceterritorializationtexturefolding
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201905 (70期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-下一篇 軍事與土地經濟下的空間非正式性:以臺北市水源營區為例




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