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Effects of the “Elderly Backpack" Exercise Program on Community Elderly with Different Levels of Physical Mobility
作者 陳家慶李宏滿張棋興黃秀茹朱家祥宋惠娟 (Huei-Chuan Sung)葉映廷梁忠詔
本研究探討「運動舒包」模式介入對社區不同體能程度長者的影響。收案自花蓮社區據點老人73位,以簡短活動功能量表(Short physical performance battery)區分老人活動能力程度,9分以上為健康組49位與9分(含)以下為失能組24位。依區分組別給予含四種不同運動教具之運動包,為「運動舒包」,進行每週兩次、每次約2小時活動共16周。以握力(grip)、坐站五次(five times sit-to-stand)、單腳站(one-leg-stance)、10公尺走路速度(10-meter walk speed)評估身體活動功能。16週介入後社區老人各項活動能力均呈現顯著進步。健康組進步幅度以下肢肌力最大;失能組則以走路速度改善最明顯。16周運動舒包模式介入社區據點對不同體能活動老人在抗衰弱與預防及延緩失能有所助益。然因無控制組,故後續結果仍需進一步驗證。
Care programs for preventing and delaying mobility disability have been an integral part of the welfare policy for elderly community dwellers in Taiwan. The study aimed to investigate the effect of the “Elderly Backpack” exercise program on elderly community dwellers with different levels of physical mobility. 76 elderlies were recruited from the communities in Hualien, Taiwan and classified into the following two groups according to the short physical performance battery (SPPB): the mobility healthy group (MHG) with SPPB >9 Q  DQGWKHPRELOLW\GLVDELOLW\JURXS 0'* ZLWK633% Q  (YHU\SDUWLFLSDQW UHFHLYHGDEDFNSDFN containing four different exercise tools according the participant's mobility level to participate the exercise class conducted in the community care stations with two 2-hour sessions per week for 16 weeks. The exercise class was scheduled with multi-component including flexibility, resistance, balance and coordination training. An experienced therapist uninvolved in the study assessed the performance of each participant before and after the exercise in terms of upper and lower limb muscle strength, bilateral one leg stance (OLS), gait speed. A total of 73 elderly community dwellers completed the Elderly Backpack exercise program. The mean age of the study group was 76.3± 8.08 years. The MDG demonstrated significantly older and more “chronic disease” than MHG. Both groups showed statistically significant improvements in most of the physical mobility tests (p < 0.05) G. Interestingly, the MHG showed more gain in gait speed than MDG, and greater gain of lower limb strength was observed in MDG than MHG. Only MDG showed significant improvement in OLS. The Elderly Backpack exercise program could be feasible and benefit the community elder adults with different levels of physical mobility. The results needed to be further validated with a control group.
起訖頁 699-709
關鍵詞 運動舒包身體活動功能社區關懷據點老人運動elderly backpackphysical functioncommunity care stationolder adultexercise
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 201911 (23:6期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 自閉症類群障礙遺傳檢驗與諮詢之倫理議題
該期刊-下一篇 護理人員使用密閉給藥裝置執行化療給藥之感受




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