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A Correlational Study of School Management, Curriculum Design and Undergraduate Students' Core Competencies at University
作者 簡瑋成 (Wei-Cheng Chien)
隨著高等教育普及,大學學校經營受到重視,對大學課程設計的討論聲不斷,且近年來大學生核心能力表現亦成為社會關注焦點,所以大學學校經營、課程設計與大學生核心能力之間的關係如何是值得探討的高等教育議題。因此本研究透過「台灣高等教育資料庫」所釋出之「93學年度大專校院專任教師調查問卷」資料,以結構方程模式(Structural equation modeling, SEM)進行三個變項之間的研究分析。本研究經統計分析後,得出三點結論:一、大學學校經營對課程設計與大學生核心能力都具有直接影響效果;二、課程設計對大學生核心能力具有直接影響效果;三、課程設計在學校經營對大學生核心能力影響上產生中介效果。最後依據結論,本研究提出相關的建議措施。
With the popularization of higher education, the management at university is taken seriously, the curriculum design of university has been discussed, and the undergraduate students' core competencies focus the public's attention in recent years. We know it is worth exploring on issue of higher education that the correlation between school management, curriculum design and undergraduate students' core competencies at university. Therefore, this study applied the data of "2004 College and University Teachers Questionnaire" from "Taiwan Higher Education Data System" to analyze the correlation between the three variables by structural equation modeling. In the analysis, the study has three conclusions: (a) school management have direct effect on curriculum design and undergraduate students' core competencies. (b) curriculum design have direct effect on undergraduate students' core competencies. (c) curriculum design have a mediating effect on the relationship between school management and undergraduate students' core competencies. Finally, this study offers the suggestions by conclusion.
起訖頁 113-148
關鍵詞 大學生核心能力課程設計學校經營curriculum designschool managementundergraduate students' core competencies
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201705 (37期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 運用平衡計分卡建構課後照顧機構服務品質指標:模糊德菲法分析
該期刊-下一篇 磨課師作為實現環保3R原則之一種生態友好學習形式




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