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A Study for Multi-level Analysis of Teachers' Psychological Contract Fulfillments, and Knowledge Creating Behavior
作者 蕭佳純 (Chia-Chun Hsiao)方斌 (Pin Fang)
The researchers of organizational behavior and school administrative management have increasingly emphasized the technique of multilevel research. This study focused on the influences of psychological contract fulfillments as an individual level and the learning school as a group level on the knowledge creating behavior of teachers. The learning school including the part of improving mental models, personal mastery, building shared vision, team learning, and system thinking. There are four parts of knowledge creating behavior: internalization, externalization, socialization, and combination. The sample of the study consisted of 237 teachers from 33 elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan. The findings showed that psychological contract fulfillments directly affected the knowledge creating behavior. On the other hand, improving mental models, personal mastery, and building shared vision, played a role of positive moderating effects in the explanation for the relationships among internalization, externalization, combination and knowledge creating behavior. Based on the results, the study also provided some discussions and suggestions.
起訖頁 133-173
關鍵詞 知識創造行為心理契約實踐學習型學校層級線性模式knowledge creating behaviorpsychological contract fulfillmentsthe learning schoolhierarchical linear model
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201206 (27期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 學生知覺學校支持與學生霸凌行為關係之研究──以臺南市國中為例
該期刊-下一篇 以Hargreaves教師情緒地理之架構來探究國小教師與家長互動情況




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