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The Tax Effect on Housing Tenure Choice in Taiwan
作者 謝文盛林素菁
在家計單位的資產組合中,住宅為最主要持有的資產,而住宅稅賦的負擔對家計單位租買的選擇(tenure choice),無疑是一個相當重要的考量因素,但在國內的相關文獻中,卻鮮少文獻探討租稅因素對住宅租買需求的影響。因此,本文的主要目的,便是希望能瞭解財產稅賦對家計單位租買選擇之影響。在實證分析方面,我們利用行政院主計處「中華民國台灣地區八十五年個人所得分配調查報告」資料,以probit及logit兩種間斷模型進行實證分析,透過恆常所得及財產稅賦的估計,探討財產稅賦及恆常所得對家計單位住宅租買選擇影響的程度。實證結果顯示,台灣地區之財產稅賦的確對家計單位的租買選擇有相當程度的影響。當財產稅增加時,家計單位會傾向以租賃方式消費住宅,減少購屋之需求;而當恆常所得增加或房屋租質價格上漲時,家計單位將會傾向以自有方式消費住宅,減少租賃房屋的需求。
Housing is the main holding asset for households. Tax burden is one of the important factors for tenure choice. In this paper, we test the tax effect on tenure choice in Taiwan Area. Firstly, we estimate the hedonic equations of property tax and permanent income. Then applying 'the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure of Taiwan' from DGBAS in 1996, we use probit and logit models to test the tax effect on housing demand. the empirical results show that the factors of property tax and permanent income are significant for housing demand. Increasing the property tax, the households tend to rent a house to satisfy their housing consumption demand and decrease the demand of purchasing a house. On the other hand, households will tend to own their house if per household income increases or rent increases.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 租買選擇恆常所得財產稅tenure choicepermanent incomeproperty tax
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 200002 (9:1期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-下一篇 距離衰落函數之理論與實証分析




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