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Towards the Integrity of Housing Demand Information: The Current Situation and Prospects for the Housing Demand Survey
作者 朱芳妮
The “Housing Demand Survey" is a long-term survey on housing market demand. The implementation goal is to collect information and indicators that reflect the housing demand side. In order to comply with the government’s housing policy directions and provide reference information for its rental subsidy policies, the survey has, in terms of its objectives, regions covered, cycle and methods used, undergone several changes. However, given the survey’s limited budget as well as the constraints imposed on investigation, the richness of information has declined and the continuity of the data over the long term has been disrupted. A holistic adjustment of this survey is thus necessary to cope with these difficulties, such as the transition from a cross-sectional survey to a panel survey through the integration of relevant research resources. The themes of this transitional survey include living safety, living quality, the living environment and housing costs (prices). It is believed that a panel survey on housing demand could provide the government with comprehensive fundamental data on housing demand and could be a significant reference basis for relevant housing programs.
起訖頁 101-109
關鍵詞 住宅需求調查住宅政策housing demand surveyhousing policy
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 201706 (26:1期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-上一篇 我國不動產逆向抵押貸款評價




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