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A Space Syntax Analysis of Tenant Placement within Large-scale Horizontally-designed Shopping Centres
作者 游舜德林育澂葉峻宏
This paper aims to examine the location and placement strategies for various shoppers' behavioral retail categories within large-scale horizontally-designed shopping centres. Although previous research has suggested that within a horizontally-designed shopping centre, retail stores of the same category should be dispersed to generate higher spillover effects, no significant placement strategies for tenant variety have been revealed. In this sense, we believe this is because previous research that used basic retail categories failed to incorporate shoppers' behavioral fundamentals. Accordingly, this paper proposes the use of consumer-based coreperiphery retail categories and behavioral-based retail categories, which should more fully explain the data. By using Geographic Information System (GIS) and space syntax techniques, this paper gathers data on over 37 cases across different countries and builds up 83 floor plans with data on spatial features and tenant characteristics. The empirical study consists of 4 steps: (1) examining the effectiveness of selected space syntax indexes applied to 3 groups of floor-plans based on complexity; (2) performing a locational logistic regression test of the 28 basic retail categories; (3) using factor analysis to extract the core and periphery retail categories; and (4) conducting a locational logistic regression test of the consumer's behavioral-based classifications: core, periphery, impulsive, purposive, comparative, convenient, leisure and services. The results show that the selected space syntax indexes are suitable for showing the differences in spatial features within shopping centres. On top of that, only a few basic retail categories have relatively weakly significant results for the locational tests, and the behaviorbased classifications give rise to stronger explanations.
起訖頁 81-110
關鍵詞 購物環境承租組合空間複雜度消費者行為shopping environmenttenant mixspatial complexityconsumer behavior
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 201612 (25:2期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-上一篇 法拍屋次市場之競標行為研究




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