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Key Success Factors for Trading Luxury Mansions: Analyses from the Perspectives of Developers and Homebuyers-A Case Study in Kaohsiung City
作者 張靜琪朱郁珊趙沛
由於購屋者購買心態轉變,建商發現豪宅高價與獲利程度後大批投入豪宅市場,找出豪宅行銷成功關鍵因素為本文目的。本文分析了供給面對豪宅買賣的重視構面、產官學對豪宅買賣重視構面的差異、購屋者面與供給面對豪宅買賣的重視構面不同處。本文供需面採用問卷調查法,供給面由層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP)得到權重排序,需求面由結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)及參照單位分析(Relative to an IdentifiedDistribution Unit, Ridit)得到重要性排序。本文發現:高價值且具休閒機能對豪宅買賣有決定性影響,而創意結合、置入性行銷、親友介紹、名人入住非影響豪宅買賣重要因子。建議未來推案多呈現休閒機能完整性與高價值的奢華享受將有助於豪宅買賣。
As the purchasing mentality of homebuyers has changed, developers have begun investing in the luxury mansion market because of the high value and profits associated with this market. The objective of this study was to determine the key success factors for luxury mansion marketing. We analyzed the differences in the level of importance placed by the industry, government, and academia on factors of luxury mansion trading on both the supply and demand sides. Furthermore, we used questionnaires to evaluate factors on both the supply and demand sides of mansion marketing. Data for the supply side were sorted using the analytical hierarchy process, whereas those for the demand side were sorted in order of importance by using structural equation modeling and relative to an identified distribution unit analysis. We observed that both high value and leisure functions have a positive effect on mansion marketing. However, “creative marketing,” “placement marketing,” “friend marketing,” and “celebrity stays” were not vital factors affecting mansion marketing. We suggest incorporating additional leisure functions in future marketing strategies to enhance the promotion of high-value mansions.
起訖頁 19-36
關鍵詞 豪宅住宅市場住宅市場行銷關鍵成功因素mansionhousing marketresidential marketingkey successful factors
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 201606 (25:1期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-上一篇 流動性對不動產投資信託風險值績效之影響
該期刊-下一篇 現行所謂「公益版」不動產逆向抵押貸款之設計提供多少的「社會福利」效果?




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