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Appraisal Bias of the Cost Approach-A Quantile Regression Analysis
作者 游適銘張金鶚
This paper compares the sale price and cost value, as appraised by valuers applying the cost approach for a sample of 974 transactions for properties sold in 2007 and 2008 in Northern Taiwan. We discovered that the sale price is on average lower than the cost value. The reliability of the cost approach was comparatively questionable due to the systematic bias of the overestimation. The previous literature claimed that cost value could serve as the upper limit for value conclusion and that the cost approach was unreliable. Moreover, the bias associated with cost value increased as buildings aged and this bias differed for different quantiles. This paper demonstrated the bias influencing variables based on the cost approach. We found that the bias will be smaller when the land unit value is smaller, the building is higher, the story is lower, the area is smaller, the period of construction of the property is longer and the profit rate is smaller. The bias was affected by structure, building type, zoning, and region. There were differences between the high and low bias on some factors in regard to the quantile regression. The bias was greater based on the construction items comparison method compared to the unit square method when estimating the construction fees for properties.
起訖頁 81-104
關鍵詞 成本法估價偏誤折舊cost approachappraisal biasdepreciation
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 201012 (19:2期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-上一篇 違章建築現象分類與其對外部環境衝擊之研究──以台南市為例




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