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The Influence of Advertising Appeals for Real Estate Agencies on the Consumer's Brand Choice
作者 郭幸萍呂信億
In recent years, many real estate agencies have tended to use emotional advertising strategies to develop affectionate scenes in order to impress consumers as opposed to adopting rational advertising strategies. Therefore, exploring the kinds of advertising strategies that can best influence consumer decisions/choices has become a critical research issue. In view of this, this study investigates the advertising strategies of real estate agencies by comparing the rational advertising appeal and the emotional advertising appeal in order to develop appropriate strategies to which consumers will respond. Convenience sampling, Structural Equation Modeling and an AMOS software package were employed to collect and analyze the survey data. The results showed that the consumers were influenced by advertisements that induced more positive brand attitudes and brand trust. This study also found that the mediated effect exists when considering brand attitudes and brand trust in making brand choices. The results may provide useful information regarding the strategic advertisement choices for real estate agencies.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 房屋仲介廣告訴求品牌態度品牌信任品牌選擇real estate agenciesadvertising appealbrand attitudebrand trustbrand choice
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 201012 (19:2期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣法拍屋之拍定價格與面積關係之探究




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