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A Review of the Choice of Market Mechanism and Price Discount Effect of Real Estate Auctions during a Boom Market
作者 廖仲仁張金鶚
This paper discusses the decision-making behavior regarding the choice of housing market mechanism. Since the real estate auction market has been one of the main market mechanisms used in home purchases, the performance of real estate auctions is a very important issue. This paper reviews the price premium or discount of real estate auctions by correcting for the self-selectivity bias in view of the homebuyer's ability to finance the purchase and his investment experience. The empirical results for Taipei city in 2004 during a boom market shows that the price discount rate in the auction market was about 27% without taking into consideration the self-selection bias. However, the availability of an auction as an alternative has resulted in the high search costs faced by buyers attending auctions. In addition, after accounting for the endogenous nature of this choice and controlling for property and buyer characteristics, the prices of properties sold at auctions are not lower than those of comparable properties sold in a search market. Therefore, it is questionable to state that the performance of real estate auctions during a boom market is always inferior to that of negotiated sales in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-21
關鍵詞 拍賣市場市場機制選擇自我選擇偏誤auctionchoice of market mechanismself-selection bias
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 200906 (18:1期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-下一篇 房地產景氣特性之再確認──多變量馬可夫轉換之應用




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