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Impact of Community Cohesion and Institutionalized Management on Collective Action-An Analysis of Subjective Satisfaction and Objective Performance in Condominium Management and Maintenance
作者 陳香妃張金鶚葉毅明
Community cohesion and institutionalized management are perceived as the communitarian and institutional solutions to collective action in condominium management and maintenance; the community cohesion enhances resident relationships and “sense of community” whereas institutionalized management helps retain living quality. Based on the analysis of subjective satisfaction and objective performance, community cohesion and institutionalized management appear to co-exist in housing management. However, the effect of the degree of delegation (institutionalized management) is more significant than community cohesion in performance of management. This analytical finding suggests institutional solutions have a greater impact that communitarian solution on collective action in housing management. Moreover, “good” housing management and maintenance requires a high degree of subjective satisfaction and quality objective performance with “satisfied residents in safe, clean, and comfortable homes.” Empirical results also indicate that condominium size, house age, management efficiency, community cohesion, and degree of delegation contribute to good performance of housing management and maintenance.
起訖頁 65-90
關鍵詞 公寓大廈管理維護集體行動社區意識管理制度CondominiumManagement and maintenanceCollective actionSocial cohesionInstitutionalized management
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 200612 (15:2期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-上一篇 都市垃圾清運方式對資源回收量影響之時間序列分析:以垃圾不落地措施為例




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