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The Research of Female's Housing Consumer Behavior in Kaohsiung Metropolis
作者 吳濟華葉晉嘉 (Chin-Chia Yeh)周佳儀
過去由男性主導的住宅消費市場,逐漸因為女性經濟能力的增加而產生轉變。本研究引用Ajzen(1985)提出的計畫行為理論為基礎,試圖建構一個住宅消費行為意向模式以有效預測及解釋女性購屋者行為,並探討模式中影響消費者購屋決策的因素,以期做為未來政府協助住宅政策的參考。本研究採用分析線性結構方程式中的LISREL 8.5軟體協助分析,對高雄都會區女性的潛在購屋者進行調查。結果顯示引用TPB所設計的「女性住宅消費行為意向模型」具有良好的配適度,同時發現女性住宅的消費行為,在態度上注重舒適性(包括就業地點可及性、安靜性、住戶管理制度),在主觀規範中以注重父母的意見,在知覺控制行為中以主動接觸宣傳的便利程度(資訊取得)為最重要。而建商的信譽與報紙媒體的宣傳並不具有顯著性,因此似乎不是行為意向的良好觀察變項。
The male-dominated housing consumer market gradually changes because of female's increasing economic ability. Therefore in this research we try to build up a model of housing consumer behavior based on The Theory of Planned Behavior by Ajzen(1985) to predict and explain female's housing consumer behavior, and to discuss factors which could effect their decisions. In this research we use software LISREL 8.5 version to analyze potential female house buyers in Kaohsiung Metropolis. We find that the model of ”Intensions of female housing consumer behavior” designed by TPB is within the fitness index. We also find that when buying a house, female pay attention to the environment and convenience of the house (including noiseless, accessibility of employment and management of house), their parents opinion, and also the convenience of getting information. On the other hand, the builders credit and the media advertising do not affect female consumers very much. Therefore the latter two reasons might not be proper factors to observe female's consumer behavior.
起訖頁 67-84
關鍵詞 住宅消費行為計畫行為理論結構方程模式LISRELHousing consumer behaviorThe Theory of Planned BehaviorSEMLISREL
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 200506 (14:1期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-上一篇 上市櫃建設公司土地投資與開發策略對經營績效影響之探討




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