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Securitization of the Japan Real Estate Market: Progress and Pitfalls with Lessons for Taiwan
作者 游千慧 (Chien-Hui Yu)姜堯民
Japan's real estate securitization has made impressive strides over the last few years. The related laws have been developed and gradually this system has brought some results. Taiwan is developing securitization system following Japan's experience. In this paper, we track the progress of real estate securitization in Japan with an eye toward examining the factors that have facilitated or constrained its progress. This discuss is able to form a lesson for Taiwan as we embarks on the road toward real estate securitization. We learn from Japan's experience that: 1. Japan has two different laws to regulate the two parallel systems: The Law on the Securitization of Assets and The Law of Investment Trust and Investment Corporation. 2. Company style is allowed in both laws. 3. Decreasing the minimum capital requirement of a trust. 4. Both open-end and closed-end REITs are allowed. 5. Issuing different types and different classes of securities are allowed. 6. Earning should be distributed to investors as dividends every year.
起訖頁 57-68
關鍵詞 不動產證券化資產信託投資信託日本經驗
刊名 住宅學報  
期數 200302 (12:1期)
出版單位 中華民國住宅學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用動態提前清償模型評價住宅抵押貸款證券




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