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The Marginal Situation and Survival Strategiesof the Tibetan Bonpo in India
作者 劉堉珊
This article presents a study of a marginal group among the marginalized, the Tibetan Bonpo in Dolanji, North India. The Bonpo are a distinctive religious minority within the Tibetan refugee population. Contemporary Bon and Buddhism share many similarities when it comes to philosophy and forms of ritual practice. However, adherents of the Bon religion believe that their founder is different from that of Buddhism, and assert that Buddhism has incorporated some elements from the earlier Bon religion as it developed within Tibetan societies. When the Tibetan Government-in-Exile was established in North India in 1960, it emphasised the Buddhist heritage as being central to Tibetan national identity. This discourse, which represents the Tibetans as being homogeneously Buddhist, marginalized the adherents of the Bon religion. As a result, the Bonpo have been compelled to adapt, whilst resisting the marginalization of their religious identity and the constraints embedded in their refugee status. Based on fourteenmonths of ethnographic fieldwork in Dolanji in 2007-2009, this article illustrates how the Bonpo adapt to multiple factors of marginality which constantly reinforce their powerlessness whilst, at the same time, attempting to challenge and change their marginal situation. It provides a different angle from which to understand the way of life of Tibetans in exile. Through the lens of the Bonpo, this study rethinks the role of religion in constructing Tibetan identity and in framing the official discourse of Tibetan nationalism. It is contended that it is from the margins, where people have to struggle to live under conditions determined by the centre, that the contradictions embedded in the dominant discourse and the ambiguities which constantly contest the practice of social relationships can be better approached and observed.
起訖頁 145-190
關鍵詞 邊緣化流亡藏人苯教苯教信仰者國族論述marginalised peoplesTibetan refugeesBon religionBonponational discourse
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 201606 (84期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
該期刊-上一篇 市場化的青春:青春作為中介移民打工的社會機制
該期刊-下一篇 以外圍為中心看古代社會之間的關係——Ancient Central China評議




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