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Tracing the Dynamic Contour of Sourness
作者 顏學誠 (Hsueh-Cheng Yen)
In the modern Chinese language the word sour (酸) is used to describe a wide variety of sensations. This paper shows that the cross-modality of sourness is based on a schematic of pointing upward or shrinking to a point from a flat plane. Thus Chinese experience sour not only as a taste but also as the sourness of sensitive teeth, sore muscles or ear-piercing sounds. From the idea of dynamic contour, this paper argues that sour should not be viewed as a simple and rudimentary sense category but rather can be further analyzed in terms of its schematic contour. Moreover, sourness is not to be identified through comparison and negation from other taste categories. Instead, it is by tracing the outline of the dynamic contour that Chinese identify sourness. This leads to a criticism of the idea of contextuality which dissolves the meaning of a thing to its relationship with other things. By tracing the dynamic contour of our sensations, we experience the world through the flow of time. This stands in sharp contrast to contextual paradigm that freezes time and identifies a thing by its relation to others things in a synchronic system. This paper also argues that dynamic contour may be a key to empathy, i.e., we grasp what others feel through mapping the dynamic contour of their senses. And the cross-modality in dynamic contour provides reference points for verification.
起訖頁 157-184
關鍵詞 動態輪廓脈絡論感應拓印dynamic contoursourcontextualityempathymapping
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 201506 (82期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
該期刊-上一篇 親屬、族群性與地景:從中國雲南普米族人的「根骨(ɻu^)」談起




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