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Ritual, Performance and Culture: A Study of Tanadui in Taketomi Island in Okinawa
作者 趙綺芳
本文綜合歷史文獻與民族誌材料,試圖剖析當代琉球群島島民在現代國家體制下,如何透過傳統文化之實踐,維繫獨特的島嶼存在性與認同。作者討論「文化展演」的概念,以及核心傳統的形塑如何成就「共有文化的意識」(consciousness of a common culture),藉以分析琉球群島南方八重山地區竹富島最重要的年中祭儀──種取祭(Tanadui)之儀式與展演。縱觀竹富島種取祭的奉納藝能傳統,源自於琉球群島原生的御嶽信仰,在琉球王國的政治支配與文化洗禮後,逐漸發展成一個融合信仰、歷史與藝術的文化複合體,包含不同型態的音樂、戲劇、舞蹈,藉由每年的種取祭舉行之場合,以樂音、聲音、語詞、動作等象徵化的意義載具與情感符號,在島民的表演中,為竹富島文化賦予具體的內涵與形式。種取祭的奉納藝能,不但形成具區辨性的地方傳統,也因著每年重複之儀式展演所需,為期一個月的密集練習,使得傳統得以在不同的世代傳承:年輕的島民或是新進的移入者,從陌生到熟悉,在其身為竹富島民的社會化歷程中,觀看、參與、承擔到屆臨退場,透過身體力行的實踐參與,活化了豐富的舞碼劇目,並以一場又一場的全島集體展演,將琉球群島的歷史與文化層疊的面貌真實地再現於自我與他人面前。透過本研究案例,作者亦期望闡明島嶼文化的交換性,特別在與陸地文化體接觸或甚至密切往來,因而對於不同之存在差異,產生想像、嚮往、詮釋乃至於自覺,而反映在各式的文化生產中。居於其中的人民一方面以看似無垠的海洋為其生存世界,另一方面卻又清楚地覺知並吸納來自陸地的勢力和影響,在歷史的調和下,不同源頭的文化因子互相作用,並為琉球島民所擇用而在各島保存發展。可說島陸之間動態之時間層積和空間傳播共同效力,形成獨特的交融島鏈文化系統。
This paper combines archival and ethnographic material to explore how the islanders in Okinawa practice their traditional culture to maintain their unique existence and identity under the modern nation-state. The author discusses the notion of 'cultural performance' the formation of a core tradition and its contribution to the 'consciousness of a common culture,' in order to analyze the ritual and performance of Tanadui, the most important annual ritual in Taketomi Island in the Ya'eyama region. The tradition of performing arts, including songs , music, dance and drama, as the devotion in ritual Tanadui in Taketomi originated from the indigenous belief in utaki (sacred groves) widely seen in the Ryukyu islands The ritual has developed into a cultural complex embracing religion , history and art, all of which were influenced by the regime of the Ryukyu Kingdom. In the ritualistic performances, the music, sound, vernacular, movement and other symbolized vehicles and signs of feeling all give concrete contents and forms to the Taktomian culture via the annual practices. The devotional performing arts hence have become a recognizable regional tradition. Generations of different origins view, participate, perform, teach and then step off the stage, thereby vitalizing the rich tradition with their efforts. This collective autographic performance thus allows the multi-layered culture and history of Ryukyu to be presented to themselves and the onlookers. Through this case study, the author will also illustrate the exchange-orientation of island culture, especially in relation to the mainland culture. Existential differences between the two inspire imagination, anticipation, interpretation and in turn self-awareness, all of which has been reflected in the cultural production of the islanders. While they draw their borders in the seemingly endless ocean, they also clearly perceive and welcome the power and influences of the greater land. Through the mediation of history, cultural factors of different origins interact with each other and are used by the Ryukyuan islanders. This uniquely integrated island cultural chain has been formed by the combined forces of dynamic temporal stratification and spatial diffusion between the mainland and the island.
起訖頁 83-110
關鍵詞 沖繩竹富島種取祭儀式文化展演OkinawaTaketomi IslandTanaduiritualcultural performance
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 201412 (81期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
該期刊-上一篇 琉球先島群島下田原期與台灣東海岸花蓮溪口新石器時代遺址之文化內涵探討:新資料及技術選擇觀點的嘗試
該期刊-下一篇 沒有民族主義的民族?:伊波普猷的日琉同祖論初探




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