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A Study on the Hair Colour and Hair Form of the Atayal and Saisiat in Northern Taiwan
作者 黃伯超
The hair colour of 834 hair samples, taken from Atayal men (394 cases) and women (440 cases) and 91 samples of Saisiat men (68 cases) and women (23 cases), was examined using Fischer-Saller's hair colour tables. The most prevalent hair colour for Atayal tribal groups combined was X which is black brown (men 45.4%, women 38.2%). Second was X-Y, the colour in between X and Y (men 35.3%, women 31.3%). Y is black which ranked third (men 8.4%, women 19.8%). Dark brown (W) ranked fourth. For the Saisiat tribe, X-Y was the most prevalent (men 48.5%, women 43.5%) followed by X (men 44.1%, women 34.8%). Third was Y (5.9%) and W was found in only a few men. However, in women, W (13.0%) was third and Y (8.7%) was fourth.The number of Atayal hair samples examined for hair form was 705 (men 271 cases, women 434 cases), and that of Saisiat hair samples was 82 (men 59 cases, women 23 cases). Hair form was examined and classified according to Martin's textbook. The most prevalent hair form was ”straight-fine” regardless of men or women, seen in 80 to 95% of the samples. ”Straight-coarse” hair was seen in 5-9.5% for men and only 0-5% for women. ”Flat-wavy” hair was seen more in women (8.8-13.0%), than in men (3.4-6.3%). ”Wide wavy” hair was seen mostly in women, but in a low percentage (0-5.9%).
起訖頁 123-134
關鍵詞 台灣原住民泰雅族賽夏族頭髮顏色頭髮形狀Taiwan aboriginesAtayalSaisiathair colourhair form
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 201312 (79期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
該期刊-上一篇 山普拉墓地出土漢晉時期織金織物的分析與研究




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