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Comparative Analysis of Glass Beads Used among Austronesian Groups in Taiwan: Some Thoughts on Forms, Values and Materiality
作者 胡家瑜
This paper explores the material features and symbolic value of glass beads in Taiwan. Glass beads had been widely used by many Austronesian indigenous groups from long ago. Since glass-making technology was not developed locally, most glass beads were traded to Taiwan from overseas and introduced into indigenous societies via various sources and paths during different periods. However, many indigenous people collected glass beads and stringed them together to make necklaces, headdresses, bracelets, anklets and earrings, or stitched them on clothes as decorations. Due to some special material features such as their ease of transportation, freedom for combination, shiny gloss, and richness of colors, glass beads operated not only as ornaments, but also as media for exchange, or signs of values and powers.Based on material collections, written records and photographic images, this paper compares and analyzes regional variations of forms, color patterns, symbolic values, wealth status, and sacred powers of glass-beaded objects used in Taiwan. It shows that these variations reflect divergent modes of aesthetic preferences, cultural selections, as well as interactions between cultural groups in different regions. Furthermore, the traces of internalization and transformation of values and meanings of glass beads through times are also examined.
起訖頁 97-133
關鍵詞 玻璃珠形式物質性美感偏好象徵價值  glass beadsformmaterialityaesthetic preferencesymbolic value
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 201206 (76期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
該期刊-上一篇 花岡山與大龍峒遺址的近現代陶瓷消費
該期刊-下一篇 序言:新世紀人類學研究的新挑戰




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