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The Emergence of a New Sexual Ideal: A Case Study of Yuki Maiko's Pornographic VCDs in Hong Kong
作者 邱愷欣王向華
This paper explores why a female Japanese adult video star, Yuki Maiko, was so popular among men in Hong Kong during the late 1990s. We argue that the image she embodies is very similar to that of an emerging sexual ideal among the Hong Kong new middle class in the early and mid 1990s. Her image of being sexual and orgasmic but ultimately passive in her sexuality is arguably the idealisation of this kind of emerging sexual symbol in Hong Kong. Through our analysis of interview data with 17 men in Hong Kong, we contend that this emerging sexual ideal is closely related to the changing class structure and cultural trend with regard to femininity. As this paper will show, the contradictory terms inherent in the identity formation of the new middle class in 1980s' Hong Kong explains why many new middle class young men would identify with Japan in general and Japanese culture in particular as a symbol of their new identity. The resulting submersion in Japanese culture in turn allows them to find favour with the ”cute and gentle” female ideal, an alternative femininity to the previous aggressive model, which has become popular in Hong Kong since the mid-1990s.
起訖頁 1-45
關鍵詞 日本色情錄影帶文化生產/挪用本土女性性典範階級結構夕樹舞子Japanese pornographic adult videoscultural production/appropriationlocal female sexual idealclass structureYuki Maiko
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 200906 (70期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
該期刊-下一篇 地方意識與環境運動:高雄後勁的個案研究




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