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The Dialectical Development of "Personalism" and "Revolutionary Ideals"- The Journey and Characteristics of Ding Ling’s Novel Creation
作者 蘇敏逸
Ding Ling (1904-1986) can be thought of as the female writer that was most contemporary and representative of her time in the history of contemporary Chinese literature. Since her entrance to the literary scene in 1927, Ding Ling had completed her personal literary journey by the 1940s, and this journey was closely related to the entire history of contemporary China as well as the entire history of contemporary Chinese literature. Ding Ling’s early creations were based upon the individualism and personalism promoted during the May Fourth Movement. She considered females as independent entities and insisted on pursuing means for female social participation even after breaking away from the constraints of her feudal family. After the 1930s, Ding Ling started to participate in the revolution due to destiny and her own will. She began advocating revolution concepts and practicing revolutionary ideals through writing novels. The outbreak of the Resistance War brought Ding Ling’s literary and revolution career into another stage. While pushing for revolution through large amount of essays and reportage literature, her novel creation reached maturity in the 1940s. These works were a successful blending of her revolution experiences and literary creation. Looking from all of Ding Ling’s creations, it is obvious that "personalism" and "revolutionary ideals" were the most important and undeniable parts of her life and thinking. "Personalism" represented the system of individualism endorsed by the intellectuals during the May Fourth Movement while "Revolutionary Ideals" represented the system of political, public and proletarian revolution emerging after mid 1920s in China. Her works were always like a multiple variation composed of the tension and alternation between "personal liberation" and "revolutionary ideals" which collided and engaged continuously. Thus, her literary creations during each stage were in fact the most sincere introspection and reflection of her own questions of life.
起訖頁 157-194
關鍵詞 丁玲現代小說個性主義革命理想Ding LingModern NovelPersonalismRevolutionary Ideal
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 200812 (23期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 空的空間:彼得.布魯克的《哈姆雷特的悲劇》與呂柏伸的《哈姆雷》研究




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