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The Formation of Consciousness in “Returning to Farm” and the Acquisition of Joyfulness in Suppositional Writing
作者 廖美玉
“Returning to farm” is a common type of career transition from official to farmer among literati who feel disappointed with the officialdom. The issues included in the process contain the self- identification from literati to farmers, the living style from city to country, and the mindset decision from present civilization back to ancient naturalism. There exists a huge difference between the toil of farmer life and the joyfulness of writing on farmyard. This yields many political, economic and cultural problems that haven’t been studied extensively. This essay is trying to investigate the origin of the formation of consciousness and the changing process of writing ideas on “returning to farm”. In addition to the “Introduction” and “Conclusion” sections, there are “Farming life under the political system”, “Developments of both encouraging learning and encouraging farming”, “Thinking processes about the memory of returning to ancient personal farming”, “Suppositional writing of the literature on returning to farm— from Chang Hen's 〈Liang Jin Fu〉to〈Guey Tien Fu〉”, and “The acquisition of joyfulness and spring scene of suppositional writing”. Generally speaking, agricultural production as a nation's mainly economic resource and bureaucracy as policy executor are opposite but interdependent to each other. They have some homologous relationships through serving the dominator altogether. According to the suppositional writing by Chang Han's “Guey Tien Fu” and the ability to enjoy happiness from executing processes by Guey Tien poets, pastoral literature surpasses the political system and becomes the paradise to settle human mind, acquire freedom and experience life. This also sets pastoral literature up to a flourishing scope.
起訖頁 37-77
關鍵詞 歸田躬耕虛擬至樂春天氣象returning to farmpersonal farmingsuppositionjoyfulnessspring scene
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 200311 (11期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 酣觴賦詩——論陶詩的飲酒主題




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