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Features of Shi-lü Anthologies in the Tang Dynasty-- Examine the Selected Poems of Li's and Du's
作者 陳美朱
康熙54年(1715)與乾隆22年(1757),為因應朝廷科舉試詩政策,坊間出現大批指導應試所需的唐人試律選本。學界目前的研究,多集中在試律詩的樣式、加考試律的原因以及考試對清代詩學的影響,相形之下,試律選本的選詩要點與發展演變,仍有不少研究空間。本文以「試律」為核心,將清代唐詩選本概分為:單選試律、不選試律及兼選試律三種。藉由「單選試律」與「不選試律」兩種不同性質的選本比較,呈現李、杜兩大家於「單選試律」選本中,「竟在孫山之外,而無名子以一篇一句遂傳其人多矣」的現象,試律選本有別於一般唐詩選本的特殊性,於此具體可見。另外,本文也整理「兼選試律」選本內容,發現李、杜的五言長律雖非為應試而作,卻仍有眾多選本收錄,並給予高度評價。究竟李、杜的哪些五言排律是各家共同偏好選錄者?諸家選錄的理由與評賞要點何在?釐清上述問題,不僅能更全面掌握清代試律詩選特質,也能延伸理解李、杜詩在清代唐詩選本中的接受情形。值得一提的是,清代有不少試律選本多為家塾課童之用,流傳有限,文中所論的某些選本,係由哈佛燕京圖書館(Harvard-Yenching Library)中文古籍庫下載的電子書,頗具參考價值,書目網址附載於文中,方便讀者進一步查閱。
During the period from Kang Xi (1715) to Qian Long (1757), the imperial examination added another test for Pai-lü, hence a large quantity of reference books for Pai-lü test were coming out. The current studies mainly focus on the styles of Shi-lü, the reasons regarding added Shi-lü test, and the influence the test bringing to poetics in the Tang Dynasty. On the contrary, the features of selected poems and the development of Shi-lü anthologies need further investigation. This study examines the condition as the Tangnese were selecting Li Bai’s and Du Fu’s poems to compile anthologies, and probe into the features and the historical development while the Tangnese were selecting the poems. On the attributes of the anthologies, this study discusses the differences of the poems between the anthologies of Shi-lü and the anthologies of Tang poems, and common preference for Li’s and Du’s Pai-lü among the compilers of Shi-lü anthologies.
起訖頁 241-269
關鍵詞 排律試律唐詩選本李白杜甫Pai-lüShi-lüAnthology of Tang poemLi BaiDu Fu
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201612 (55期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從「致知」到「知止」:從黃久庵的艮止思想論《大學》的轉詮意義




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