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On Spatial Concept as an Approach to the Lyrical Self of Tao Yuan-Ming in “The Biography of Scholar Wu-Liu"
作者 黃文青
Tao Yuan-Ming's high level of autobiographical awareness in his work, “The Biography of Scholar Wu-Liu” led to it becoming a classic example of the “lyrical self” in the history of traditional Chinese literature. Historically, the literature of The Six Dynasties emphasized a lyrical view that leaned heavily on the mind and spirit under the influence of The Concept of Spiritual Thoughts. In view of this, this discourse aims to use the concept of bodily space, besides that of the concept of time, as another key means to reconstruct the “lyrical self”. For a start, this discourse returns to the bodily performance background which appreciation and classification of historical personalities of Wei-Jin Period, followed by the perspective of the humanistic concept of space. Based on this, a study of “The Biography of Scholar Wu-Liu” is done to examine the lyrical significance potentially stemming from the mutual interaction between Self and space. Using the theoretical approaches of “time and spatial experience” and “bodily performance”, this discourse sets off to study how Tao Yuan-Ming made use of “self-decentralization”, “spacefaring” and other various bodily space that reflect “Spiritual Nature”, allowing him to put up a “self-embodiment” display in a complex textual spatial structure.
起訖頁 57-84
關鍵詞 陶淵明五柳先生傳空間概念抒情自我身體空間Tao Yuan-MingThe Biography of Scholar Wu-LiuSpatial ConceptLyrical SelfBodily Space
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201509 (50期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
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