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成大中文學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

From Issues to Studies: Chinese "1930s Literature and Arts" in Taiwan (1966-1987)
作者 張俐璇 (Li-Hsuan Chang)
"Issues & Studies" has been an important name of a journal in international relations studies. Its name can be traced back to "studies on Chinese communism" which were focused on "mainland issues", conducted by "Free China" in the 1950s. Through the name of "Issues & Studies", the essay points out the transition of the Chinese "1930s Literature and Arts" in Taiwan-how it was viewed from "issues of interdiction" to "discussions and studies". Many writers who became famous in the 1930s were listed in the different versions of Catalogue of Banned Books in Taiwan during the martial law period because of the accusation of "fallen into communism" or "defected to communism". However, not until the lifting of martial law, "1930s Literature and Arts" regained the opportunity for discussion and study due to the fact that the Cultural Revolution in China took place in 1966. This essay discusses the phenomenon of acceptance and preference of "1930s Literature and Arts" in Taiwan through the perspectives of literature and arts of the Kuomintang(KMT), "Pure Literature", and "Nativist Literature". The essay indicates that the Kuomintang's perspective on the discussion of "1930s Literature and Arts" still maintained the critique of "communist atrocities". In addition, it reshaped its "Free China" position through the fact that many 1930s writers were purged by the Chinese Communist Party. Compared with the perspective of "Pure Literature", in which right-wing "liberal" writers were much more highlighted, the discourse of "Nativist Literature" emphasized the Northeast writers’ left-wing presentation. Through the three kinds discourse of "1930s Literature and Arts" in Taiwan, the network relationship between "Modern Chinese Literature" and "Post-war Taiwan Literature" is reconsidered.
起訖頁 159-189
關鍵詞 三十年代文藝中國現代文學戰後臺灣文學純文學鄉土文學1930s Literature and ArtsModern Chinese LiteraturePost-war Taiwan LiteraturePure LiteratureNativist Literature
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201812 (63期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 「文學革命」的先驅及其批判者──論章太炎詩學的前後兩期
該期刊-下一篇 轉折句常見語氣副詞的形成




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