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The Defeat of Huayi Theory as Seen In Kaitokudo -Taking NAKAI Riken 's "Benmo" As a Clue-
作者 黑田秀教
In early modern Japan, with Confucianism on the rise and the issues in Huayi (華夷) beginning to emerge, a discourse materialized which denied that Japan was barbaric. Osaka's Kaitokudo, which reached a golden age in the time of Chikuzan Nakai and the Riken brothers, left behind a discourse that had followed out of Huayi. Thought by Kaitokudo was positioned as a direct extension of Keisai Asami. However, Keisai had a motive for arguing that Japan was different than the universal entity that was China, and as a result, he did not concretely mention its flaws, posited Korea as a dependent state of Japan, and lacked a viewpoint that allowed for other people. On the other hand, Kaitokudo calmly accepted Japan's faults, treated Korea as its own independent country, and allowed the treatment of others as equals with oneself. In this way, Kaitokudo succeeded in overcoming Huayi by respecting the self while not forgetting to respect others, and not privileging differences but recognizing them as elements of individuality.
起訖頁 155-184
關鍵詞 江戶時代懷德堂中井履軒淺見絅齋華夷論Edo PeriodKaitokudoNAKAI RikenASAMI KeisaiHuayi Theory
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201812 (36期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
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