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Reception of “Fofa Daming Lu" in the Kamakura and Nanbokucho Periods
作者 曹景惠
“Fofa Daming Lu” consists of 20 volumes advocating the thought of the three teachings harmonious, edited by Gui Tan in the end of the Southern Song Dynasty. It is widely known that “Fofa Damin Lu” is introduced to Japan by Enni in the Kamakura Period. It is rational and presumable that “Fofa Daming Lu” drew public attention in the Kamakura Period as it is said that Enni lectured to Hojo Tokiyori based on this book in the first year of Shoka (1257), according to “Shoichi Kokushi Nepu”. Although “Fofa Daming Lu” has been lost in China, there are several versions conserved in Japan nowadays, including editions of the Song, Yuan Dynasties and ancient transcripts. However, “Fofa Daming Lu” has been rarely valued as a research object for a long time, because of the negative evaluation and critical opinions from Kokan Shiren(1278–1347), and its inaccessibleness. “Fofa Daming Lu” is a rare book itself and not contained in “Daizokyo ” or any other series of books. This Study reviews various versions of “Fofa Daming Lu” and investigates how “Fofa Daming Lu” was quoted and discussed in other books, to clarify its historical position in the Kamakura and Nanbokucho Periods.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 佛法大明錄圓爾虎關圭堂儒佛一致思想Fofa Daming LuEnniKokanGui TanConsistency between Confucianism and Buddhism
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201612 (32期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 川端文學中繪畫的作用──以「晚霞中的少女」與「曇花」為文本




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