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台大日本語文研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Importance of the Pronouncing Chinese Classics in the Japanese Way and the Method in Japanese
作者 王廸
The Japanese writing style has ”Chinese writing Japanese reading sentence” besides ”Colloquialism sentence of present age” and ”Composition written in literary style” ”Chinese writing Japanese reading sentence” was invented to read Chinese classics, it is different from the original Chinese classics. This is a Japanese written language translated sentence along the Japanese grammar. There is the source of the pronouncing Chinese classics in the Japanese way in the Nara/Heian era. We must understand ”a pronouncing Chinese classics in the Japanese way sentence” by all means to study the Japanese language and history, culture, literature. Pronouncing Chinese classics in the Japanese way has a law. It does not become extinct along the times like an archaic word. On the contrary, with the development of the times, it was completely equipped still more. It cannot be said that the modern Japanese is unrelated to ”a pronouncing Chinese classics in the Japanese way sentence” For example,” Nothing venture, nothing win (虎穴に入ちずんば、虎児を得ず)”, ”Too much spoils, too little is nothing (過ぎたるはなほ及ぼざるが如し)”, ” Providing is preventing. (備へぁゎば患ひなし)”,” It is no use crying over spilt milk (覆水盆仁に返ちず)” are quoatations from Chinese classics, these will be connected with Chinese classics. Besides, these melt into Japanese language culture, and there are a lot of things which have already become the Japanese proverb. Therefore, if we will understand Japanese language culture deeply, we should not ignore pronouncing Chinese classics in the Japanese way.
起訖頁 187-206
關鍵詞 日語漢文訓讀漢文學音讀訓讀JapaneseChinese will understand Japanese reading sentenceChinese writing studyPhonetic readingJapanese reading
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200912 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 朱舜水對加賀藩的儒教思想普及




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