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Queries on the Birth of Poet Ishikawa Takuboku
作者 太田登
近年來日本近代文學研究受到文化研究(culture Studios)的影響,文學作品或作家主體本身之研究,呈現被驅至幕後的傾向。本稿主要考察明治36年12月《明星》雜誌中,詩人石川啄木(1886-1912)以雅號「啄木」初次登場之經過。以往的說法是,雅號「啄木」為《明星》主編者與謝野鐵幹命名之;而現在則是以岩城之德所提出的啄木自我命名說為定論。不過竊以為「啄木」之雅號是鐵幹和啄木兩人共同合作命名的。本稿企圖藉由重新探討雅號命名之問題,考察「作品」和「作家」的關係,進而反省此考察在文學研究中所具有之意義。
The recent trend of the so-called cultural research by the Japanese contemporary literature research is on the detailed probing in the literature creation or on the writer's background The focus of this paper is to probe into the poet who has an elegant name, ”Takuboku”, and has his premier appearance in the 1903 December edition of the ”Myojo” -Ishikwa Takuboku (1886-1912) Some say name ”Takuboku” as named by the master of the ”Myojo”-and Yosono Tekkan while Iwaki Yukinori believed it was Takuboku whom had given himself of such name. As for me, I would think it was the name under the collaboration of Tekkan and Takuboku. But the question I would like to raise is the meaning of probing into the relationships between the ”composition” and the ”writer” in the research of literature through the discussion of elegant names.
起訖頁 21-35
關鍵詞 雅號啄木鐵幹命名說啄木命名說合作說Elegant nameTakubokuNaming by TekkanNaming by Takubokucollaboration theory
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200912 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 「今昔物語集」裡的狐狸故事與中國文學
該期刊-下一篇 夏目漱石之南畫──王維之投影




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