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Natsume Souseki and Isikawa Takuboku in 1910
作者 太田登
This essay is based on the methodology of ”literature history,” which has been regarded as old leftover of the past in the research field of Japanese contemporary literature, and puts its focus on reexamination of the methodology of literal study. This essay would point up the year of 1910, when varied literal genres were blooming and maturing in roles of contemporary literal works under the circumstances of political tension, in order to exam the meaning of Natsume Souseki and Isikawa Takuboku's literal contact point from the point of view of ”literature history.” Natsume Souseki's literature rooted in his observation angle as a critic of modern civilization. After Natsume Souseki had recognized himself as a city wanderer, this point of view turned to be deepened and provided the younger literal generation with critical influence. Isikawa Takuboku, who was affected by Souseki's influence most profoundly, published his criticism ”Zidaiheisa No Genzyou” and poetry collection Ichiaku No Suna in 1910. These two works of Isikawa Takuboku advanced the mature of this literal genre in contemporary literature, and above all, made 1910 as a critical year in literature history.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 文學史研究1910年文明批評家都市漂泊者文學種類study of literature history1910critic of civilizationurban wandererliteral genre
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200806 (15期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 《今昔物語集》裡龍的故事與中國文學




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